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Flyturtle Studio 2013. 5. 16. 01:18


NAB 2013 was full of great presentations and tutorials at the Maxon booth and luckily Cineversity was there to record it all for us.The presentations and tutorials covered everything this year… Sports Graphics, Xpresso, Python, Mograph, Illustrations, and of course, Cineware and Cinema 4D Lite. I hope you make time to watch all these great presentations. I didn’t get to see them all live, so I will be watching many of these right along with you. Enjoy.

Nick Campbell: C4D to AE: The Ultimate Graphics Workflow

Barton Damer: Illustration with CINEMA 4D

Brian McCauley: 3D Workflow for Sports Motion Graphics


John Lepore: Defeating Suicide-Mission Deadlines


 EJ Hassenfratz: The Power of the Inheritance Effector


 Robert Hranitzky: A New Live 3D Pipeline for CINEMA 4D and Adobe After Effects


Colin Sebestyen: Motion Design for Live Events 

Michael Szabo: Optimizing Your 3D Workflow with Xpresso Michael Szabo: Optimizing Your 3D Workflow with Xpresso


 Donovan Keith: MoGraph and Phython for Science Animation


 Kevin Aguirre: High-End Motion Design Techniques

